Photos of Harland
Harland collected many stringed instruments: acoustic guitar, mandolins, a chord zither and banjos. Here are a couple of his favorites.
Harland's 1992 full page "tab" ad from the 1992 MN Film/Video Production Guide. Photo by Rick Dublin.
Harland on set
Harland Drumming at The Jack and Jill Ranch. Early 1960s
Harland in Uganda 1994
Harland in studio 1968
Harland's Exhibition, 2018
Photo courtesy of Alfred University
Harland in Mendocino · Photo: Tom Liden
Just 3 guys. Talking about Adidas tennis shoes.
From Left to right: Jerome Krause, Harland, Cheryl Tiegs
Performing at The Jack and Jill Ranch (the largest western style dude ranch east of the Mississippi) in Michigan. Early 1960s
Sweet Chow after its closing Autumn 2019. The stretcher for Har's 19' painting still hangs on the wall...
Harland at Sweet Chow opening. Photo: Eric Mueller
(Picnicking only from 11 to 3)
Harland in Basement Studio
Postcard for The Senior Show. Squirrel House Arts. June 2018
Harland Communicates
Harland in exterior kitchen
Outside Harland's Studio
Harland at SquirrelHaus Arts
Harland at SquirrelHaus Arts